Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Vitamin B9, a water soluble vitamin, is known both as
folate and folic acid.
Folic acid is the form used in the vitamin supplements and is known to occur rarely in food sources and in human body.
Folate is found in food and our bodies and occurs naturally in several chemical forms.
One of the very important function of folic acid is in
foetal development.
A number of congenital defects
can be avoided if folic acid is taken during the period of
preconception to the total length of pregnancy.
Folic acid is essential for the cell division and growth and maturation of the body cells ,
especially nerve cells and red blood cells.
Folic acid enhances brain functions and memory and treats depression,
migraine and anxiety conditions.
Folic acid is believed to reduce the risk of heart attacks and
peas are good source of vitamin B9
For keeping the fertility in prime condition foliate is essential for both women and men.
In women right from oocyte maturation, folic acid contributes to all the reproductive activities.
In men folate contributes towards healthy spermatogenesis.
Folic acid along with vitamin B6 and B12 is found to reduce the risk of
macular degeneration in old age.
It is believed that folate may reduce the risk of cancers of recto-colon, breast and
Alcoholism, prolonged use of antibiotics and impaired intestinal absorption may lead to deficiency of folic acid.
Certain drugs like 'sulfa' drugs may also interfere with folic acid absorption.
Deficiency of folate can cause gingivitis, oral inflammation, retarded growth, dementia and diarrhoea.
Deficiency during pregnancy may affect the foetus severely and cause defects in neural tube and
many birth defects like cleft palate, defects of skull, nervous system, spine and brain.
Folic acid deficiency can cause reduced fertility.
Toxicity of high doses of folic acid is rarely encountered.
Person taking epilepsy drugs must be careful as folic acid in high doses may make the epilepsy drug ineffective.
Liver, meat, liver oils, chicken, fish, whole grains, cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are excellent sources of vitamin B12
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By Mahmood Syed Faheem
Disclaimer: Not professional advice - The above content is just for informational & educational purpose only If you need specific medical advice please seek a professional doctor who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area.