Tropical ornamental aquarium fish diseases

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Tropical fish diseases are caused by bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic infections. Most of the tropical ornamental fish have their origins from tropical regions of the world.

They require tropical conditions in the aquarium for survival and proper growth. The warm tropical conditions we provide in the ornamental tank also help the rapid growth of infective organisms.

Tropical fish become susceptible to infections when there is sudden environmental changes, sharp temperature fluctuations, overcrowding, buildup of organic waste, oxygen depletion, physical injuries and stress.

There are literally hundreds of infections that can affect the health of aquatic pets. If the new tropical fish is not properly acclimatized before release into the aquarium tank, it may suffer tremendous stress and easily contract infections.

The aquarium hobbyist has an important activity to do at least twice in a day. He should look out for odd behavior and appearance of fish. There are many signs of tropical infections. Altered or decreased activity is the first sign that your pet is not doing well.

The signs and symptoms to look for are:

Darting movements
Not taking feed
Stay continuously at the top
Gasping for air
Remain in the bottom
Clamped fins
Flashing movement
Rubbing or glancing on objects
Lesions and ulcers
Unusual spots on the skin
Loose scales
Raised scales
Open operculum
Loss of skin color
Cloudy eyes
Bloated stomach
Floating upside down
Bleeding fins
Frayed fins
Truncated fins
Visible anchor worms or lice
List of parasitic tropical fish diseases
White spot disease (ich or ick)
Hole in the head
Neon tetra disease
Anchor worm
Gill flukes
Skin flukes
Ichthyobodo (costia)

Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (protozoan ectoparasite)
1.Tropical freshwater white spot disease (ich or ick)
Cryptocaryon irritans - marine tropical ich
2.Cryptocaryon irritans – marine tropical ich

List of tropical bacterial diseases

Fin rot
Pop-eye disease
Cloudy eye
Piscine tuberculosis
Hemorrhagic septicemia

Fish fungus

Cotton Wool Disease


Viral hemorrhagic septicemia

Cancers and tumors
Swim bladder disease

Inappropriate water conditions and environmental factors

Insufficient aeration
Water pH
Water hardness
Water temperature
Ammonia poisoning

Quarantine tanks to control infections

Every newcomer to the tropical aquarium tank must be kept in a quarantine tank for a few days before adding it the existing tank with conditioned pets.

Especially as marine species pass through collectors, wholesalers and retailers, the specimen will be under stress. There is every possibility that they are already infected with harmful organisms.

In the quarantine tank they must be observed and appropriate treatment may be given if they are infected.


Most of the tropical protozoan infections can controlled by improving sanitation, frequent water exchange and removing the organic wastes in the aquarium. Salt, formalin, potassium permanganate, chloroquine, metronidazole or copper sulfate dip may be done as treatment. For marine species decreasing the salinity may help.

Tropical bacterial diseases can treated with appropriate antibiotics given as a dip or mixed with food if the pet is feeding. The effect of the antibiotic on other invertebrate pets may be considered before treatment.

Tropical fungal infections occur due high organic load, improper temperature, excessive use of chemicals, poor sanitation in the aquarium tanks. Treatment with potassium permanganate, formalin, or hydrogen peroxide is often adequate to control external fungus.

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1.Image source:
2.Image source:
Author: Jbinfla1963 | License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Current topic in ornamental aquarium: Tropical fish diseases.

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